Illuminate Youth Ministry

Today’s Jr. High and High School Student will be faced with a variety of temptations and trials in an attempt to derail them from their spiritual journey. To help them live the best life possible, the life God intended, we want to challenge them to connect through Christ-centered relationships, grow in the way of Christ, and give as Christ gave. This program will teach them Biblical verse, give them a spiritual foundation, and equip them with spiritual truths that apply to the 21st century teenager. Your teen will be interested in the Bible-based lesson as they are relevant to today’s students.

The Youth Ministries of Victory Baptist Church offers several different programs to help equip students to live lives faithful to God.

  Sunday School

Sunday School is one of the key components to a student's spiritual development.  This relaxed environment is aimed to help teenagers experience the Truths of God's Word in a small group setting.  Students will have time  to connect with their peers and study the Bible.  Youth will leave Sunday School, not only with knowledge of the Bible, but with the ability and desire to learn the Word of God on their own time.

Wednesday Night Worship

The youth meet together for a high energy. high impact, worship service each Wednesday  at 7:00 p.m.  Worship is led by a live Band and Students are taught the Word of God by our Youth Pastor.  This service is loud, energetic, and packed full of solid Bible teaching.  Your teenagers won't want to miss this weekly service aimed at today's youth culture.

Doors open at 6:30 on Wednesday nights, come early to enjoy  the fellowship with games, fooseball & ping-pong tables, and more!

Monthly Activities

Each month the Youth have different activities planned where students can get together and build meaningful relationships with other student believers.  Check back here often to see what is coming up on the calendar.

Summer Camp

Every year, the youth of VBC takes a week away to Minnetonka Christian Camp   to recharge, refocus and center their lives on God.  Camp is one of the anchor events of the VBC Youth, and is an vital to a Student's spiritual walk.  God uses camp in a mighty way year after year.  Many accept Christ as Savior and surrender to full-time ministry.  Not only will teenagers relationship with God be strengthened, but they will have the opportunity to forge relationships with other students, often developing life-long friendships.  Don't let your student miss out on this life-changing week.